
Viscosity - Fluid Mechanics And Machinery Part-II

Viscosity One Liner Subjective Questions-Answers from Fluid Mechanics. 


  1. Viscosity is that properties of fluid Which offers Resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid over adjacent layer of fluid.
  2. It offers resistant to shear of fluid.
  3. It is also known as Dynamic viscosity or absolute viscosity.
  4. Viscosity is the ratio of rate of shear stress to the velocity gradient.
  5. It is measured by co-efficient of viscosity.
  6. Unit of viscosity Is NS/m2 or PaS or Poise.
  7. Dimension of viscosity M/LT.
  8. One poise is equal to 0.1 NS/m2.
  9. Viscosity in liquid due to Cohesive force between molecules.
  10. Newton's law of viscosity states that Shear stress is directly proportional to velocity gradient.
  11. Viscosity increases with increase in temperature of liquid.
  12. Viscosity increases with the increase In temperature of gas.
  13. Viscosity of water is higher than Mercury.
  14. Kinematics Viscosity is Defined as the Ratio of dynamic viscosity to the density of liquid
  15. Unit of kinematics viscosity m2/s or stoke.
  16. Dimension of kinematics viscosity L2/T.
  17. One stroke is equal to 10-4 m2/s.
  18. Kinematics viscosity dependent upon density.
  19. Kinematics viscosity of water at room temperature (20.2°C) is 10-6 m2/s.
  20. Dynamic viscosity of water at room temperature (20.2°C) is 103 NS/m2 or 1 Centipoise
  21. Dynamic viscosity of air is 10 NS/m2 or 0.17 centipoise.

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