
Plant Layout - One Liner Production Management Part-II

Plant Layout - Production Management / Industrial  Engg One Liner Short Notes -

Here We have provided summary and revision notes for Mechanical Engineering. This post have one liner short rivision  notes with chapters wise important points.


  • Line layout focus on- Product
  • Line layout or product type layout make take the shape of - straight line, U-pattern, circular 
  • The job moves from one workstation to other in - product type layout & processed type layout 
  • The cost of materials handling consists of - the cost of procuring the materials handling equipment, the cost of maintaining the materials handling eqequipmen, the cost of operating the materials handling equipment
  • Materials handling coast is - non-value added cost 
  • Materials handling and plant layout is- complementary to each other 
  • In materials handling the size of load - directly proportional to the materials handling cost
  • In materials handling equipment should be kept - as high as possible
  • Conveyors - are extensively used as material handling equipment in the case of product layout 
  • Which of the following is not a feature of good plant- maximizing material handling operations 
  • Which of the following is not a principle of good plant layout - principle of overall dis-integration
  • Which is not a part of basic type of layout- cellular layout 
  • Which is not an example of materials storage and handling equipment- conveyor systems 
  • Which is not example of bulk material handling equipment clip track - forklift 
  • Product oriented layout is suitable for- computer production 
  • Process oriented layout suitable for- printed book production


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