
Thermodynamics Part-I (Energy Conversion)

Mechanical One Liner Subjective Questions - Answers for Quick Revision and Competitive Exams.


In this post we are sharing the Engineering Thermodynamics one liner subjective questions answers notes. This subject contains short notes topic wise. This book is very useful for your semester as well as for competitive exams.

  1. Thermodynamics mostly deals with – Conversion of heat into other form of energy
  2. Mixture of Ice and water form a – Heterogeneous system
  3. Thermodynamics family deals in change of state from – heat to work
  4. In engineering thermodynamics the approach towards matter is –  macroscopic and microscopic
  5. When neither the energy nor the mass of the working substances crosses boundary of the system it is then called- isolated system
  6. Heat and work are – Path function
  7. The absolute temperature on centigrade scale at which volume of gas becomes zero is – (-273 degree Celsius)
  8. The absolute zero temperature is taken as – (-273 degree Celsius)
  9. The absolute zero temperature is taken as – (-273.15 degree Celsius)
  10. Triple point temperature of water is – 273. 16 Kelvin
  11. Triple point temperature of water is – 0 degree Celsius
  12. The Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale of temperature will give the same reading at – 574. 25 Kelvin
  13. The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales of temperature will give the same reading at – (-40 F)
  14. There no any temperature which has same values both in –  kelvin scale and centigrade scale
  15. which of the following is the smallest temperature – 1 degree fahrenheit
  16. Absolute zero(0 k) is that temperature at which – Volume and pressure of a gas becomes Zero
  17. Absolute temperature can be calculated by – Root mean Square velocity
  18. Absolute zero is the temperature at which – Molecular Motion Ceases
  19. Absolute zero is the temperature at which –The root mean Square velocity of the gas molecules reduces to Zero.
  20. Temperature of a gas is produced due to – Kinetic energy of molecules
  21. Very low temperature are measured by – Vapour Pressure thermometers
  22. Very high temperatures are measured by – Pyrometers
  23. For measuring temperature near absolute zero, the thermometer used is – magnetic thermometer
  24. The standard fixed point for temperature measurements in use today is – at which ice, liquid, water and water vapour coexist
  25. The thermometer used for standard reference is the – Gas thermometer
  26. Thermoelectric thermometer is based on – Seebeck effect
  27. A constant volume gas thermometer works on – Charls Law
  28. No liquid can exist as liquid at – Zero pressure
  29. The unit of energy – Joule (J)
  30. The unit of power – Kilowatt
  31. The unit of mechanical power is – Joule/Sec
  32. One Kilowatt is equal to – 1000N-m/s
  33. According to First law of thermodynamics – Total energy of a system remains constant
  34. First law of thermodynamics deals with – Conservation of energy
  35. The heat and work are manually convertible, this statement is called – First law of thermodynamics
  36. Heat energy stored in the gas and used for raising temperature of Gas is known as – internal energy
  37. The heat and mechanical energies are manually convertible. This statement was established by – joule
  38. The states that change of internal energy of a perfect gas is directly proportional to – joules’s law
  39. The first law thermodynamics was developed by  – joule
  40. Which of the following statement is correct  According to clausis statement of second law of thermodynamics? – it is impossible to transfer heat from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature, without the aid of an external source.
  41. For a perfect gas according to Boyle’s law PV  = constant if T is kept constant
  42. According to Avogadro law – equal volume of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contains equal number of molecules
  43. The general gas equation is PV = nRT
  44. the value of gas constant (r)  for atmospheric air is  – 287j/ kgk
  45. which of the following gas has the minimum molecular mass – hydrogen
  46. The value of universal gas constant is – same for all gases
  47.  The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through one kelvin is called – kilo-joule
  48. The specific heat at constant volume is –  the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of gas through one degree at constant volume
  49. Relation between Cp and Cv is given by – Cp-Cv = R
  50. The gas constant (R) is equal to the – difference of two heats
  51. The value of Cp/Cv of air is – 1.4
  52. The value of specific heat at constant pressure for air is -1
  53. An ideal gas as compared to a real gas at very high pressure occupies  –more volume
  54. According to Dalton’s law the total pressure of the mixture of gas is equal to  – sum of the partial pressure of all divided by average molecular weight
  55. Temperature of a gas is produced due to – kinetic energy of molecules
  56.  According to kinetic theory of gases the absolute zero temperature is attained when kinetic – energy of the molecules is zero
  57.  kinetic theory of gases is assumes that the collision between the molecules are – perfectly elastic
  58.  Gas laws applicable to – gases alone and not to Vapours
  59. the pressure of a gas in terms of the mean kinetic energy per unit volume E is equal to – 2E/3
  60. Temperature (T) ia proportional to – T
  61. The isothermal process and adiabatic processes are regarded as – reversible process.
  62. Carnot cycle consist of – two isothermal and two isentropic process
  63. Strling cycle consist of – two constant volume and two isothermal processes
  64. The efficiency of joule cycle is – less than carnot cycle
  65. Reversed joule cycle is known as – bell-coleman cycle
  66. The compression ration is the ratio of – total volume to clearance volume.
  67. For the same maximum pressure and temperature. – disel cycle is more efficient than otto cycle
  68. The efficiency of diesel cycle depends upon – cut off ratio and compression ratio
  69. The gas in cooling chamber of a closed cycle gas turbine is cooled at – constant pressure.
  70. An open cycle turbine works on – joule’s cycle
  71. The heat flows from one body to to hot body with the aid of an external source. This statement is given by – Clausis
  72. Second law of thermodynamics defines – entropy
  73. If heat engine attains 100% of thermal violates – second law ofthermodynamics
  74. The behavior of super-heated vapours is similar to that of – perfect gas
  75. The absolute pressure of a given mass of a perfect gas varies inversely as its volume when the temperature remains constant this statement is known as – Boyle’s law

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