
Thermodynamics Part-II (Heat & Mass)

Mechanical One Liner Subjective Questions - Answers for Quick Revision and Competitive Exams. 


In this post we are sharing the Engineerring Thermodynamics -Heat & Mass one liner subjective questions answers notes. This subject contains short notes topic wise. This book is very useful for your semester as well as for competitive exams.

  1. Heat has - Path function
  2. The heat transfer takes place according to=  second law of thermodynamics
  3. conduction is a process of heat transfer = from one particle of the body to another without the actual motion of the particles
  4. The transfer of heat by molecular collision is known as = convection
  5. The transfer of heat by molecular collision is smallest in = gases
  6. The heat is transferred by conduction Convection and radiation in = boiler furnaces
  7. The heat transfer from a hot body to cold body is directly proportional to the surface area and the difference of temperature between the two bodies this statement is called = Newton’s law of cooling
  8. The unit of thermal conductivity in SI units = (W/(m⋅K)).
  9. Thermal conductivity of solid metal ……… with rise in temperature = decreases
  10. A steam pipe is to be lined with two layers of insulating materials of different thermal conductivities for minimum heat transfer = the better insulation must be put inside
  11. Thermal conductivity of water with rise in temperature may increase or decrease depending upon = temperature.
  12. The  overall coefficient of heat transfer is used in problems of = conduction and convection
  13. The unit of overall coefficient of heat transfer is = W/m2K
  14. Film Coefficient is defined as the ratio of = thermal conductivity to the equivalent thickness of the film of fluid
  15. The unit of thermal diffusivity is = m/hr
  16. Fourier’S  law of heat conduction gives the heat flow for = one dimensional cases only
  17. The thermal diffusivity for gases is generally Those for liquid = greater than
  18. Thermal diffusivity is a = physical property of substance
  19. The lowest thermal diffusivity is of = rubber
  20. the highest thermal diffusivity is of = lead
  21. up to the critical radius of insulation = added insulation will increase heat loss
  22. Free Convection flow depends on the = density, coefficient of viscosity,  gravitational force
  23. The automobile radiator is a heat exchange of = Cross flow type
  24. The ratio of surface Convection resistance to the internal conduction resistance is known as = Biot number
  25. The ratio of energy transferred by Convection to that by conduction is called nusselt number
  26. Reynolds number is that ratio of = inertia force to the viscous force
  27. The radiation emitted by black body is known as = Black radiation full radiation total radiation
  28. The emissive power of body depends upon its=  temperature physical nature wavelength
  29. The ratio of the emissive power and absorptive power of all bodies is the same and is equal to the emissive power of a perfectly black body this statement is known as = Kirchhoff’s law
  30. The temperature distribution for a plane wall for Std state that flow and constant value of thermal conductivity is = linear
  31. heat conduction in gases is due to elastic impact of = molecules
  32. which method is used to find the thermal conductivity of rubber = lee’s disc
  33. In which cases heat is transferred by conduction Convection and radiation = boiler furnaces
  34. Transient heat flow occurs in heating and cooling of building due to = Sun
  35. Which of the following properties of air does not increase with rise in temperature = density

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